5 Ginspirational Gifts You Need To Buy Right Now
Here at Hogarth’s we want you to enjoy the delights of Gin whether you are at home or at one of our glorious gin palaces.
After browsing the web we have found 5 gin inspired products that you need to buy right now!
1. Gin & Tonic Candle
Fancy your luxurious living room smelling of the crisp, refreshing aroma of your favourite tipple. Well Matalan has created the ultimate candle which will make your home smell like your favourite Hogarth’s each and every day.
2. Spreadable Gin
There is nothing greater on a Saturday morning than waking up to the gorgeous smell of freshly made toast. Well Firebox can make your breakfast even more scrumptious with this Gin and Tonic Marmalade. This boozy marmalade is one even Paddington Bear would be proud of – he definitely would keep a jar of this under his hat. At £9.99 – it’s a costly conserve but definitely a treat worth indulging in.
3.Gin & Tonic Popsicles
Want the taste of gin without the alcoholic after effects? These Aldi adult ice lollies are a perfect treat in the gorgeous sunshine. With a refreshing and tangy taste, these bargain ice lollies should definitely be on your shopping list this summer. Priced at £2.99 for a pack of four – these popsicles pack a pretty boozy punch at 4.5% ABV per lolly.
4.Gin & Tonic Tea
What’s better than combining the top two tipples of Britain – Tea and Gin These incredible Gin infused tea bags are perfect after a hard day’s work when all you want to do is bang on the kettle. By combing green tea and juniper, these tea bags will give you the taste of gin without any of the consequences. These Fortnum & Mason teabags are £6.95 per box of 15 and for a refreshing ice tea alternative – brew tea for approx 3-4 mins and then serve over lots of ice.
5. Gin Cupcake Kit
Not on the High Street always guarantees superb gifting ideas. This adult version of easy-to-make cupcakes is no different. You will love the fact that it even makes delicious creamy icing that tastes just like your favourite G&T. At just £20 this is definitely one to try when you fancy putting on Afternoon G&T
No matter how you like your Gin – Hogarth’s has you covered. If these glorious gin based gifts don’t wet your appetite – then head over to your local Hogarth’s for your favourite Perfect Serve.